Cambridge Youth Football Club

Cambridge, WI

Cambridge Bluejays - Youth Tackle Football

Cambridge Blue Jays
 The following Code of Conduct has been established by the CYFC and is required to be read and signed by all participants and parents of participants as part of the registration process. Refer to the Registration section for a downloadable version of the Code of Conduct. By signing and submitting the Code of Conduct form required for registration the participant and parents of the participant agree to the Code of Conduct and its Terms and Conditions.

CYFC Code of Conduct

Participants and all friends, family, and guests of CYFC participants shall agree I agree to display conduct that reflects only the highest standards of SPORTSMANSHIP both on and off the field, during practices and games, remembering at all times that their conduct is a direct reflection the community and the program which they represent. Using socially acceptable language, showing respect towards referees, and respect to coaches, players, and other parents, regardless of their team affiliation is unacceptable and cause for immediate removal and suspension from future events.


Any and all issues shall be resolved in an orderly manner. Concerns involving participants and their team or coach, should first be addressed by talking about those concerns with the coach(es) of that team. If this does not resolve the situation, the issue shall be taken directly to the CYFC president for resolution.


Furthermore, I agree to return all equipment provided to me by the Cambridge Youth Football Club in the same condition as it was issued to me on the day specified at the end of the season. If I neglect to return equipment issued me and my child, I understand that I will be invoiced for the full replacement cost of such equipment and agree to pay as such.